Chair of Applied Microeconomics

Welcome to the website of the Applied Microeconomics group!


Courses offered in the summer term 2024:

  • Climate Economics and Policy (Bachelor): Economics has a crucial role to play when it comes to tackling climate change. The course introduces students to some of the fundamentals of environmental economics, with a special focus on climate change. Among the topics covered will be the economic assessment of climate change impacts and the costs of mitigation and adaptation, as well as the analysis of different policy options.
    The course is a hybrid between a lecture and a seminar, offering you the chance to improve your presentation and writing skills. Course participants will present a research paper and write a short term paper in English or German to summarize their findings.
    Furthermore, the course will be comlemented by presentations from outside speakers that offer relevant real world insight into the topic.

You can still sign up for this course!
Next session on 2 May at 8.30 or write me an email for more information.

  • Digital Economics (Master): The course will analyze the economic implications of digitization from a microeconomic perspective using insights from industrial organization, information economics, behavioral economics, and data science.
  • Master Seminar in Applied Micro: The seminar will focus on how questions of morality impact and interact with economic analysis. Economics and moral philosophy have been linked historically, and the seminar thus asks the question: What place does moral behavior have in economics today?
    Research topics will be chosen from different subfields, such as economic theory, history of economic thought, behavioral economics and environmental economics.